Thursday, November 8, 2012

a lot of people

WOW, it's being a while since my last post, sorry about that... Today I delivered one my most complex works, not for the caricature it self but for the amount of work in a short time. I drew 35 people in just a couple of weeks. Taking in consideration that I work full time and have a family to take care of, there wasn't much time left. I had to change my style to more cartooning to be able to finish it on time... my fingers hurt. oh! BTW all that people are all my coo-workers, can you spot me ;)


  1. claro que está genial peroo alguna chica se quejó? seguro alguna dijo "yo no soy así", espero que no se enfaden contigo. por cierti, pareces el más jovencito, el chaval del grupo. suerte.

  2. claro que está genial peroo alguna chica se quejó? seguro alguna dijo "yo no soy así", espero que no se enfaden contigo. por cierti, pareces el más jovencito, el chaval del grupo. suerte.
